A breakthrough in science, knowledge and consciousness is beginning to unfold for all
human beings. As we pay attention, we begin to experience life through new perceptions
of a delicately woven interdependence, cluing us in to larger patterns and expanding our
knowledge and awareness of continuous flow and change. As an ABC community these
larger patterns are helping us to better grow nutritious and delicious food for the world.
Simultaneously this awareness directs us to allow the natural world, our eco systems to
do what they do best: protect and regulate the biosphere.
The case I’m making here is that there is a profound essence in the world’s smallholder
farmers, fisher folk, pastoralists, forest dwellers. They are not just food producers, they
are frontline custodians of biodiverse landscapes, with them lies the true regenerative
power of our societies.
In this, the Agricultural Biodiversty Community is playing an important role.
The red-piller in The Matrix is Neo who is considered"The one" since he goes about as a neutralizer against the "Smiths" who are effectively attempting to red pill forum annihilate mankind. Along these lines, red-pillers are inspired by a base inclination to endure.